Semerbak Kasturi

"Sesungguhnya orang-orang berbakti benar-benar berada di dalam (syurga yang penuh) kenikmatan, mereka (duduk) di atas dipan-dipan melepas pandangan. Kamu dapat mengetahui dari wajah mereka kesenangan hidup yang penuh kenikmatan. Mereka diberi minum dari khamar murni(tidak memabukkan)yang tempatnya masih dilak (disegel), laknya dari KASTURI. Dan yang demikian itu hendaknya orang berlomba-lomba.
(Al-Mutaffifin: 22 - 27)


Friday, 18 February 2011

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Damaikanlah Hatimu...

"Ketika orang lain bergantung pada dunia, gantungkanlah dirimu hanya kepada Allah. Ketika orang lain merasa gembira dengan dunia, jadikanlah dirimu gembira kerana Allah. Ketika orang merasa bahagia dengan kekasih-kekasih mereka, jadikanlah dirimu merasa bahagia dengan Allah. Dan ketika orang-orang pergi menghadap raja-raja dan pembesar-pembesar mereka untuk mengais harta dan mencintai mereka, jadikanlah dirimu betul-betul mencintai Allah"....Ibnul Qayyim Rahimmallah

Sumber: Ibadah Sepenuh Hati Oleh Amru Khalid (Cetakan Aqwam-Jambatan Ilmu)

Renungkan Surah Al Qur'an, Surah Al Qasas:
Ayat [39]
Dan berlaku sombong takburlah Firaun dan tenteranya di negeri itu dengan tiada alasan yang benar, dan mereka menyangka bahawa mereka tidak akan dikembalikan kepada Kami.
Ayat [40]
Dengan sebab itu Kami mengepungnya bersama-sama tenteranya serta Kami humbankan mereka ke dalam laut; maka perhatikanlah bagaimana buruknya kesudahan orang-orang yang zalim.
Ayat [41]
Dan Kami jadikan mereka ketua-ketua (dalam kesesatan) yang mengajak ke neraka (dengan kekufurannya), dan pada hari kiamat pula mereka tidak mendapat sebarang pertolongan.
Ayat [42]
Dan Kami iringi mereka dengan laknat di dunia ini, dan pada hari kiamat pula adalah mereka dari orang-orang yang tersingkir (dari rahmat Kami) dengan sehina-hinanya.
Ayat [43]
Dan demi sesungguhnya, Kami berikan kepada Nabi Musa Kitab Taurat sesudah Kami binasakan kaum-kaum yang telah lalu, untuk membuka hati dan menjadi hidayah petunjuk serta membawa rahmat, semoga mereka beringat.
Ayat [44]
Dan engkau (wahai Muhammad) tidak ada di sebelah barat (tempat Nabi Musa menerima wahyu) ketika Kami sempurnakan penyerahan Kitab Taurat kepadanya, dan engkau juga tidak termasuk dalam golongan yang menyaksikan peristiwa itu.
Ayat [45]
Akan tetapi (engkau hanya mengetahui kisah itu dengan jalan Kami memberi wahyu kenabian kepadamu disebabkan) Kami telah mengadakan beberapa umat (dari zaman Nabi Musa hingga ke zamanmu) sampai berlanjutanlah masa yang mereka lalui (serta kucar-kacirlah ugama yang mereka anuti). Dan engkau pula tidak pernah tinggal bersama-sama penduduk negeri Madyan membaca dan mempelajari dari mereka ayat-ayat keterangan Kami (tentang hal Nabi Musa di sana), tetapi Kamilah yang mengutusmu (menjadi Rasul dan memberi wahyu kepadamu mengenai hal itu).
Ayat [46]
Dan engkau juga tidak berada dekat Gunung Tursina ketika Kami menyeru (Nabi Musa dan memberi wahyu kepadanya dahulu), tetapi (diturunkan) rahmat (Al-Quran) dari Tuhanmu (menerangkan Kisah itu) supaya engkau memberi amaran kepada kaum (mu) yang telah lama tidak didatangi sebarang Rasul pemberi amaran sebelummu, semoga mereka beroleh pengajaran (serta insaf mematuhinya).

The Holy Qur'an: Al-Qasas (The Narrative)
Verse 39
And he and his hosts were haughty in the land without right, and deemed that they would never be brought back to Us.
Verse 40
Therefor We seized him and his hosts, and abandoned them unto the sea. Behold the nature of the consequence for evil-doers!
Verse 41
And We made them patterns that invite unto the Fire, and on the Day of Resurrection they will not be helped.
Verse 42
And We made a curse to follow them in this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be among the hateful.
Verse 43
And We verily gave the Scripture unto Moses after We had destroyed the generations of old: clear testimonies for mankind, and a guidance and a mercy, that haply they might reflect.
Verse 44
And thou (Muhammad) wast not on the western side (of the Mount) when We expounded unto Moses the commandment, and thou wast not among those present;
Verse 45
But We brought forth generations, and their lives dragged on for them. And thou wast not a dweller in Midian, reciting unto them Our revelations, but We kept sending (messengers to men).
Verse 46
And thou was not beside the Mount when We did call; but (the knowledge of it is) a mercy from thy Lord that thou mayst warn a folk unto whom no warner came before thee, that haply they may give heed.

Allahu 'alam. Moga bermanfaat.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

From Egypt With Love...

Dear Friends,

Today I flew back to Cairo to join family and friends in this historic uprising againts Mubarak's despotic regime. A few of us on the plane found ourselves in tears just laying our eyes on Cairo as its lights appeared from the sky.

Many of my friends have been camping in Tahrir square all night, while others have been arrested and beaten and humilated.

Yet the determination and strength of everyone is like an earthquake that shook Mubarak's system.

On my way from the airport I passed by at least 10 security checks, including neighborhood watches from ordinary people who sat up all night ,set up fire to warm themselves in the cold and arming themselves with whatever weapons they could find againt thugs and secret riot police who try to terrorize and intimidate people.

I stayed up all night chatting with friends who have been going regularly to tahrir square, sharing stories upon which we cracked up laughing and stories which made us shed tears.Two of them had just been released from secret police who caught them bringing much needed medical aid and cotton to injured protestors at the square.These were a group of 16-19 year old teenagers, yet this didnt stop the police from terrorizing and assaulting them.

Muhamad Haeikal one of the prominent Egyptian thinkers summarized the whole situation in one beautifull sentence " the ugliest of what is in Egypt tried brutally to kill what is most noble in it".
It was eye opening to all of us, especially the pro-democracy opposition activist like us, that while the world, then UN, the various Human development reports, were telling us how uneducated, poor, corrupt, violent and racist we are, it was amazing to see a humane, noble, conscious and aware people that is humbling to say at least. It is incredible to see how when our ruthless dictators loose their ground, a nobility and love for one own's country emerges.

A picture in the front page on one of the newspaper here was showing a picture of an army solider who was shedding tears beacuse he could not protect the protestors from the violent thugs. The picture is showing one of the protestors whiping away his tears.

Coptic Christians formed human chains around Muslims protecting them while they are performing their friday prayers.

The stories of heroism are incredible, this is the first time in our history we witness riot police being inspected by neighbourhood watch people.
A doctor was sharing, on the funny side, how an old man with more than 30 bones broken still insisted on coming to the square every day! He was begging the man not to return so he can give medical aid to others.

In the middle of all of this, Egyptians did not loose their sense of humor, people chanting and dancing in the millions " Mubarak went crazy' as the tanks stand behind them and try to terrorize them.
There were the stories of Azhar scholars and students joining the protestors in their cloaks , even though the only slogans they knew were from the times of resistance to the british colonial rule, people embraced them laughingly and warmly while carrying them on thier shoulders and chanting.

I will head to the Tahrir square in an hour. Please do share the updates with your contacts and media.



Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Sireh Pulang Ke Ganggang...

On 30 January Rashid Al-Ghannoushi, the 69-year-old leader of the Tunisian Islamic movement, returned home after a long exile in London. The international media has interpreted Al-Ghannoushi’s return as the most potent symbol yet of the dramatic changes that have taken place in Tunisia in recent weeks.
